Iyeoka * Simply Falling * Jeannette Guichard-Bunel
pubblicato il 12 febbraio 2015 alle ore 13:26
2014Official Site: http://www.jeannetteguichardbunel.com/
Iyeoka Okoawo
Simply Falling
There goes my heart again
All of this time I thought we were pretending
Nothing looks the same when your eyes are open
Now you're playing these games to keep my heartbeat spinning
You show me love, you show me love
You show me everything my heart is capable of
You reshape me like butterfly origami
You have broken into my heart
This time I feel the blues have departed
Nothing can keep me away from this feeling
I know I am simply falling for you
I'm taking time to envision where your heart is
And justify why you're gone for the moment
I tumble sometimes, looking for sunshine
And you know this is right when you look into my eyes
You show me love, you show me love
You show me everything my heart is capable of
And now I can't break away from this fire that we started
There my heart goes again
In your arms I'm falling deeper
And there's nothing to break me away from this
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I video non sono lucrativi.
This Channel is Free.
The videos are not lucrative.
Video creato da Daniela Scarel
Autorizzata all'utilizzo delle immagini dai rispettivi Autori.
Video created by Authorized Daniela Scarel to the use of the images by the respective Authors.
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